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The Quiet Life: Beware of the Beige Influencer

Beware of the beige influencer, ran a headline in The Guardian recently about the rise of content on social media that promotes a more mundane lifestyle. These influencers, that promote lighting candles, matching pyjama sets and stretching have become viral sensations racking up millions of views. Early morning punishing workouts and the occasional glass of wine. Opting for nights in rather than nights out. One particular Tik Tok video about reading in the morning and burning sage has 1 million views. “Why has tedium become an aspiration for so many young people?” cried the author.

Gone is the advice on how to live a life of adrenaline and excitement which has been replaced by content describing “an ideal life that is overwhelmingly dull, fundamentally rooted in living each day the same, and following a narrow, regimented routine.”

Mundane or not, there is profit to be made for people and companies that peddle this lifestyle. Influencers that promote linen trousers, home renovations and wellness retreats do so handsomely.

This content appears particularly popular with a Gen Z audience, reflecting a quiet conservatism and a more puritanical approach to dating and drinking that has come to define this demographic. One critic labeled the piece in The Guardian misguided countering that prioritising practical steps, daily routines and creating safe spaces at home can be a great comfort to young people in light of the geopolitical, cultural and environmental state of the world. The content they consume was a ruthless rejection of the toxic 21st century beauty standards and shouldn’t be misinterpreted as a sign that this generation is lacking in ambition or excitement.

For brands tracking trends and considering how best to engage the old adage of understanding your audience remains the same. Don’t be drawn into the latest online craze or sweeping generalisations about Gen Z’s, millennials and boomers. True market orientation is the result of a clear understanding of your audience driven by segmentation. Once you have a clear understanding of your segments then targeting and positioning can take shape before you decide whether to embrace the beige.

The views expressed herein are those of the author(s) and not necessarily the views of FTI Consulting, Inc., its management, its subsidiaries, its affiliates, or its other professionals. 

FTI Consulting, Inc., including its subsidiaries and affiliates, is a consulting firm and is not a certified public accounting firm or a law firm.

Light a candle, wear matching pyjamas, go to bed early. Why has tedium become an aspiration for so many young people?